
Tuesday, May 4

The May/June Simple Woman's Daybook Edition

 For Today

Looking out my window... beautiful blue sky, birdsong and green lush woods

I am thinking... which type of jam I want to can this year

I am thankful... that grumpy moods soon pass

One of my favorite things... sleeping with the bedroom windows open

I am wearing... old clothes for cleaning my filthy screened porch. The pollen has turned everything yellow out there. {smile} 

I am creating... pretty things

I am watching... Chesapeake Shores

I am reading... and studying through God of Covenant and learning to use my beautiful, new Strong's Concordance

I am listening to... my local Christian radio station

I am hoping... to get my screened porch cleaned and set up for summer today. I have been waiting on a dry warm day with a breeze to dry it and I think today is it.

In the garden... all the early crops are up. Radishes, onions, peas, red potatoes and red beets are all up and doing well. My lettuce needs planted in the hotbed this week.

and speaking of early April this little man, our youngest (Samuel Jacob) planted this entire row himself. And to think while I carried him, I had the option of ending his life because he had down syndrome. And to know... God already knew his little soul.

I am learning... new art techniques

In the kitchen... menu includes: cheesy broccoli and potato soup, lasagna, tater tot casserole and homemade strawberry shortcake

microgreens planted inside

In the homeschool room... still tidying the area since moving it to a new place for summer school

Shared Quote

"The human spirit needs places where nature has not been rearranged by the hand of man"

A moment from my *birth* day... I have to show you my beautiful birthday party table from last month! I am loved :-) 

Post Script

You are welcome to join my fb group! I want to keep the group small and plan to close it at 50 members. You can find the information at the top left sidebar if you are interested.

* * *

If you enjoyed reading my daybook and would like to create one of your own, HERE is the link to the format, guidelines and complete list of prompts. 

The July/August 2021 Edition will be posted the first week of July 

***The Simple Woman's Daybook is not connected to any other link up.***

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  1. Happy belated birthday Peggy! Praise God for each of your son's milestones! He looks like he's working hard out there. My son (21) has Autism so I know what it's like to celebrate every milestone because of what they predict someone with special needs can't do. They don't know the power of our Lord. He uniquely and wonderfully created us all. He gets the final say :-)

  2. My day has been so stressful and depressing, but the photograph of your lovely son has brought a smile to my face. Thank you. X

  3. Goodness! Your garden is in much earlier where you live. We have barely said goodbye to the snow up here. But your patch of dirt is making me excited for when I can dig my hands into our little bit of earth. Thanks, Peggy.

  4. I'm new to the simple woman's daybook. Thank you for sharing this format and allowing links! I look forward to participating more often - I value reflection! I especially love the quote you shared ... adding it to my collection!

  5. Happy June! Excited to peek at all the entries! :)

  6. Sorry my first entry was linked to an OLD Daybook post! That's why I have two! HA!


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