
Tuesday, October 13

HomeMaking :: More Than Dishes And Laundry {Part Seven}

HomeMaking :: More Than Dishes and Laundry
A Study Series written by Peggy Hostetler

(Part 1 of this study series is found HERE)

As promised in the last entry of this study series, I want to share with you the journal entry I wrote in 2008. I begin writing a bit about homeschooling, but it moves to where I share thoughts on what I term as, "pocket moments".

"I pray you all had a restful weekend and one you purposefully slowed down. I love Monday mornings and find them like a month of Septembers each week. Always a day of planning and of getting back into the rhythm of things. We have been having short days of homeschooling and will continue this pattern for one more week before taking them much longer.

I "school" so much calmer now that I have a bit of time doing it under my apron. I do not get fluffed anymore in thinking that a child may not be up to grade level on a set subject. It does not hold great importance for me to run my children all over the county to fill in with what I can not cover here at home. I surely do not want to spend my husband's hard earned dollars for our family on this new book or that new thing that might be the current rave. I try hard not to get caught up in all of that. I find it homeschool peer pressure and will avoid it happily. I believe that my days are to flow and to blend as a simple life. I don't think we fit into any homeschooling mold that has been poured in recent years and come to think of it neither do I as a woman.

In my life as a follower of Christ, I have sought out of the way stops, off road places and have been pulling away to myself more. Not in removing myself from others, but have spent more time one on one with Jesus. Besides my very important alone time, I am trying to create places and time, "pocket moments" within my day to day when I can not be "alone" with the Lord. 

One way is through music, one way is through prayer, one way is through open and verbal praise and still yet another is through speaking forth the name of God aloud in all things. Here on our mountain, he is intensely welcome to join us for meals, for homeschool hours, quiet times, evening settle in nesting times...minute by minute...second by second...breath by breath. 

This way for instance HE is not boxed into a Sunday service. So many leave him at the church door and visit with him when time presents itself. You do not have to have time, He created time, He is time. Surely, we must never stop our devotional time spent, but on days that fill up fast with busy or hurried home mornings for whatever reason, do not let discouragement of feeling like a failure steal your joy or keep you away from Him for the rest of the day.

God knows your intentions and sees your heart and would be honored to have even your stolen thoughts, praise, thanksgiving, and adoration that you give or even those "pocket moments" during those run-thru kind of days. We should not set out to make this a habit, but it just has to be okay some days. 

So let's not let Him get lost in the shuffle! If we love Him we will long to be with Him and care what He thinks, what He says and He will be our God."


This was a hard repost to type out. Why? Because I fail and fall down doing this very thing at times. The flesh is weak and it is an ever constant thinking process that I need in order to remain faithful and true to that which is life. 



  1. This was a refreshing read Peggy. During our homeschooling years I never felt like I fit into any mold either. Somewhere down the road I learned to relax and let the Lord lead me in the way I should go.

    1. Thank you Tajuana! Yes, I found it freeing to let my own style take over with the Lord's leading. Exactly!


Thank you for taking a moment to share your thoughts.