
Friday, March 22

Mini-Study :: The Heart of a Woman

I want to take a brief pause from The Desk Series to share with you a mini-study that I created for you entitled, The Heart of a Woman.

My church is hosting a women's conference this week-end and the theme is "Inside Out : The Truth Will Set You Free". The conference flyer reads, "The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

The heart is the only aspect of creation that God cannot (or chooses) not to control and it is the only thing we can surrender. It is what’s on the inside that matters…and life, if we follow God through it, will transform us into who we truly are; from the inside out." 


So in readying myself to soak in all of the teaching that will be presented, I thought I would write a mini-study on the heart for you too!
(Please feel free to share and/or save and print)

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Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

The Heart of a Woman

A woman's beauty begins first in her heart. Have you every pondered this thought? How can beauty be found in a heart...a fleshly muscle that keeps us alive? The heart, is so very often mentioned in movies, songs, books, etc. The Word of God is full of "heart" passages. Look up the word, heart. Take your journal and write some of the phrases and word meanings you find.

How can the word heart and beauty be joined together and how can I apply this matched pair to my day to day. 

Heart-figuratively, the seat of emotions, thoughts, and intentions; sometimes translated "mind" or "soul"; central or most vital part of something."

As the face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the person." Proverbs 27:19

What has my countenance been saying about my heart? 

Do I "reflect" the glory of God? In what ways...

What steps can I take to change my heart.

 "So the Lord was sorry he had ever made them. It broke his heart." Genesis 6:6

God's heart can be hurt, grieved, be troubled deeply.

Have you ever been "heartbroken"...that your heart felt ripped out of your chest or lying separate from your body the pain was so intense.

In what ways did healing take place? How was it able to mend? 

The Lord knows how you feel.

Psalm 146:3 "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds"

"I have not departed from his commands, but have treasured his word in my heart." Job 23:12 

What commands does he speak of?

How do I "treasure" something?

What does it say about laying up treasures on earth? in heaven?

Do I do this with my relationship with Jesus? Do I take care of it, tend it, keep it safe, guard my heart.

What steps can I take to begin doing this.

Acts 5 Then Peter said, "Ananis, why has Satan filled your heart?" This passage tells us that our hearts can be taken over by other thoughts.  Hebrews 3 mentions the heart many times and to keep it from getting hard. 

What is a hard heart? What measures can I take to keep my heart from becoming hard and bitter?

Take a moment to reflect on times in your life where you allowed your heart to harden.

What caused it?

What finally broke the hard sod? 

Psalms 102:4, says "My heart is sick, withered like grass and I have lost my appetite."

Ever been heart sick? That mournful, groaning time that we have in this life, that causes so much grief that we desire no food.

What about spiritual food?

Psalms 33:21 "In him our hearts rejoice, for we are trusting in his Holy name."

Is my heart rejoicing?

If not, what is the my joy dependent on my feelings, emotions, circumstances, etc.

Have I sought out the Lord with all of my heart, with all of my mind and with all my soul?

What is my heart telling me today.

What steps can I take to find joy in the Lord.

It tells us in Romans 10:9 "For if I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that God raised him from the dead, I will be saved. For it is by believing in my heart that makes it right with God, and it is by confessing with my mouth that I am saved.
(emphasis mine)

What two steps is this verse referring?

So we see this beautiful analogy of the heart and it's ability to be changed and to believe. Yet another amazing way we are fearfully and wonderfully made. 

I pray your heart is blessed by this mini-study.


  1. I read this through tear filled eyes but plan to read again in my quiet time later after little ones are asleep. Thanks for sharing your heart and your love for the Lord and others. I know personally you are a blessing to me and my life.

    1. Dear Pat, this does my heart good to read. I am blessed by you as well.

  2. Peggy, I was thrilled to read this blog. It captures what I hope we will be able to portray in a fictional book that my sister and I are writing. We want to demonstrate these steps as a fictional character struggles with the anger in her heart and comes to realize the answer to her attempts to cope is allowing God to heal and accept what He allows, and to distinguish how her own waywardness has deepened her pain.

  3. The last part of my comment was cut off: Thank you for sharing these truths. Your blog is a blessing. I look forward to reading more.

    1. Linda, thank you for letting me know and blessing on your book!

  4. Thank you so much for this beautiful study. What a blessing! I am looking forward to doing it. I may share it at my church as a part of our Interludes of Joy and Java. Thank you, again, so much!

  5. Thank you Peggy for this study. I love Bible studies and this is a very good one. Thank you again!

  6. Oh Peggy, this so blessed me as each word indeed will bring healing to all who read.
    This should have been a study guide printed and handed out at the Ladies weekend retreat.
    You keep on writing as you share from your heart ~ God's blessings


Thank you for taking a moment to share your thoughts.