
Tuesday, March 10

HomeMaking :: More Than Dishes And Laundry {Part Three}

HomeMaking :: More Than Dishes and Laundry
A Study Series written by Peggy Hostetler

(Part 1 of this study series is found HERE)

A Vision Takes Shape

When I ponder the words, "homemaking vision", I think of the way in which I view or see my home making. And inside of that "seeing" lives my personal goals, plans, dreams, hopes, prayers and other aspects that make up it's core. 

These things are mainly rooted in my upbringing, my childhood experiences, my mother's role within my family home and the ways in which she carried it out. 

Some were forged by special women in my life, media; such as television, books, movies, while others were added by mentors, church life, my faith, the Bible, my age and maturity. 

My vision has changed only slightly over the past many years of marriage, though I can not  recall a purposefully set pattern during those early years, especially those rough few. Difficult and hard times are the biggest culprit for dimming and blurring your vision.

 As time moved on, children were added to our home (six in all with one having special needs) and then as the homeschooling movement began to form, so did a new vision. With that...I came into my own and have pretty much remained the same.

Over the years, the outside view of my vision has taken on different shaped flesh if you will. While the outside has been shaped and reshaped because of changing needs, the core has not. The core has remained the same and it is where I always come to when I have lost my way, when I steer too far, and especially when I think I can do it on my own. 

And yet, the very essence of my vision is my belief in and love of Christ Jesus.


Food for Thought

Be thinking about your "homemaking vision".

Write down what these two words say and mean to you. If you have never thought of having a vision for your home, begin thinking of possible tiny steps you could take to put one in place.

Remember your vision for your home will not look like any other. You are unique and so is your life.

Use your journal to write down your heart thoughts.



  1. I think I'm going to decorate a plain note book to use as a journal for this series. I was going to just get one from Dollar Tree but why spend money, when I have supplies here? Thank you again Peggy!

  2. Yes, that is the most fun! Decorating one you have.

  3. As my children grew up and left the home, I really struggled with even believing homemaking was still my calling. After a couple years of "spinning my wheels," I had an epiphany---peaceful, relaxed, life-giving homes are NOT just for little kids! My husband, my adult kids, my friend, and neighbors all need that too. Being an empty nest homemaker is every bit as important as being a homemaker to a house full of little ones.


    1. I did the same thing for a time, Patti. I had to re-configure my role at home and it was a change. I agree!


Thank you for taking a moment to share your thoughts.