
Friday, February 28

HomeMaking :: More Than Dishes And Laundry (New Study Series)

HomeMaking :: More Than Dishes and Laundry
A Study Series written by Peggy Hostetler

The Stage is Set ~ Part 1

You are sitting at a circular oak table in a room just after dusk. On top of the table is an old-fashioned cotton doily in the same round pattern as the table. In the center of the table is a beautifully etched glass oil lamp covered in a gray dusty film. The wick is hardened with black soot and the base is near empty of any oil. From what remains exudes a strong smelling odor and it has become yellowed with age.

You feel alone, sad and filled as it were with emptiness. You are enveloped in near darkness with a feeling of fret and worry. There is a chill as the thunder begins to rolls in. You are unprepared to ride out this storm. You want to flee as the twinges of fear now settle upon you.

There is unrest and a confused state you can not explain, but you know it is not right nor where you want to be.


The Stage is Set ~ Part 2

You are sitting at a circular oak table in a room just after dusk. On top of the table is an old-fashioned cotton doily in the same round pattern as the table. In the center of the table is a beautifully etched glass oil lamp with an even burning, never wavering flame. The wick has been trimmed neatly, the globe of the lamp is bright and clear and the base is full of fresh oil.

The wind is howling, the rain is pouring, but as it beats against the windows you feel warm and safe inside. You feel secure with the warm glow of the lamplight. You have a peaceful quieted heart and know a sense of coziness within your soul. Your state of mind is thoughtful and focused.

There is rest and a simpleness of space and time you can not explain, but you know it is right and where you want to be.


Just an Oil Lamp?

Do I have oil in my lamp? Is the wick trimmed and burning brightly or is it overdue for a straight cut? Do I take the time to freshen my lamp with new oil, filling it full? Is the globe clean from dust and soot?

As women, we do not want to be caught like the foolish virgins...asleep, with empty lamps, but we want to be like the wise ones with lamps full and ourselves fully awake.


Food for Thought

Look up Matthew 25-
{write this passage down}

Look up the word wise and write its meaning

Look up the word foolish and write its meaning

* Please feel free to take notes from this study series for your personal use. 

find all posts in this series on the sidebar ----->


  1. This is a beautiful allegory today, thank you for sharing! His oil in my life, may I be wise to stay filled with Him. Blessings to you!

    1. Thank you Bettie for taking the time to read. Yes, may we all be filled to overflowing.

  2. Hello Peggy, what a lovely tale, I definitely will be following this series, I loved the one from your desk. You are very talented indeed. God bless you for making us all think. Regards Mandy xx

    1. So happy you are here following! Thank you for your comment. More coming on this series very soon.

    2. Thank you Mandy for your kind comment. I am so glad you are following. Blessings to you.

  3. I think my love for oil lanterns grew when we spent years living around the plain folks in TN, though I already had two of my own. They had wooden holders for on the wall to hold them in place and at the time seemed so much safer with little ones around. They are always a reminder to me of the thoughts shared by you here.
    Linda Marie Finn

  4. Just rereading this and so good.


Thank you for taking a moment to share your thoughts.