
Join TSW Book Club

A very warm welcome to the The Simple Woman's Book Club! The Simple Woman's Book Club is a sister link-up fashioned after The Simple Woman's Daybook! (link on sidebar)

I hope you will take part and find enjoyment in this little space.

Some exciting plans for the Book Club are:

--> reading/book type resource links

--> quotes/stories that inspire

--> a monthly Book Club highlight
 (I will choose one of your Book Club posts to share each month)

--> book giftaways

--> a companion facebook group where I will hold mini book clubs. We will gather with the same book title and I will lead us through discussion. IF you are interested in this little extra fun, please join now for future updates!


Here's how to take part:

1. Create your book club post using the information below making sure in your entry you include a link back to my blog with this link.

(This is a requirement to take part and a kind gesture to me as your hostess as well as for your readers--they will know where to join in the fun, too.

Also, it would be very nice if you would add the book club graphic above (by saving it to your computer) then you could it for future posts to the book club.

Here is the format to use when blogging a book club post.
the book club graphic (see above)



I read this book in/on: (example: Nook, hardcover, Kindle, paperback, etc.)

My personal thoughts on this book: (tell us what you liked, what you did not like and a brief about. *Please note: this is not a format for bashing a book or it's author, use grace when dis-liking)

 (Fiction lovers please keep the ending a nice surprise for others unless you preface your post with a spoiler alert.)

Here is a link where you can find/purchase this book: (if you can find one, please share it to offer us a look/see)

A favorite quote from the book:

and lastly and have fun with this, add a picture of your book in a creative setting.
(An example would a cookbook near a new dish you prepared, a knitting book close by a knitted scarf, a spy novel near your comfy chair, a book about organizing on a neatened shelf, a gardening book by a basket of goodness gathered from your garden)


2. Copy the "permalink" ONLY from your "The Simple Woman's Book Club" post, not the link to the current entry on your blog. This will make it much easier for others to find it instead of looking through the entire list of entries at your blog for your "book club".
(Anyone not posting ONLY the book club entry permalink will have their link removed.)

3. Come back here and add your permalink to the Mister Linky box (second box) In the first box where it lists "YOUR NAME" place your first name or the title of your blog.

There will be one Mister Linky tool/Book Club edition posted per month.

PLEASE NOTE: Inappropriate links, links to things you sell, etc. will be removed at my discretion.

If you have any questions about your book club post or linking up, please contact me at

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