
Monday, October 1

The Simple Woman's Daybook {October Edition}

UPDATE -------> The November Daybook Edition will be a week late this month. I will post on November 12th, instead of the 5th. Thank you for understanding.

For Today

Looking out my window... it is beginning to look a little like fall. I have loved turning the page on this calendar my daughter gave me as a gift.

I am thinking... about the upcoming retreat I take twice a year with my girls. The week in May and the week in October are my favorite times of the entire year. A place to fully think, ponder, pray and renew.

I am thankful... for Beth Moore, her ministry and her faith.

One of my favorite things... 

spending late afternoons in the heart of my hometown

I am wearing... (from Sunday) new pair of dark wash SONOMA jeans in a size down (feels so good), black long-sleeve tee, blue/green and black scarf and sandals.

I am creating... places for autumn

I am watching... Poldark

I am reading... An Unfinished Marriage by Joan Anderson

I am listening to... You Say

I am hoping... fall lasts a loooooong time

I am learning... that if you wait long enough you can find the perfect holder for your groceries. Bought three of these beauties from Creative Green Life and they are the best. They fit perfectly in my cart and since the store has this little hand held gadget that reads every bar code on your item as you shop, it makes check out a breeze without removing your groceries. Yippee!

In the garden... all cleaned and freshly plowed over for another growing season

In the kitchen...

Board Room

shared from my Pinterest board "make love"

 full credit for this pin (unknown)

A moment from my day...

Post Script

If you enjoyed reading my daybook and would like to create one of your own, HERE is the link to the format, guidelines and complete list of prompts. 

The November Edition will be posted November 5th

Please NoteIf you want to be notified by email of each monthly daybook edition you can "subscribe" using the box on the sidebar. 

PLEASE NOTE! Networked Blogs is now no longer in operation, but I will still be manually adding the monthly daybook edition to facebook. So if you wish to get notified at facebook, simply like my page, thesimplewoman


P.S. If you enjoy the headers I post here at the daybook, please find my new instagram 
@papercutjourney dedicated just to my paper cut journey pages. 

If you have not read the guidelines listed on my sidebar or if you need a reminder, please take a few moments before you add your link and read through them. 

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  1. Thank you for hosting. I love the buildings in your town very picturesque.

    1. Yes, Laura...most are very could say Civil War like :-)

  2. Enjoyed your October daybook, Peggy! :)

    1. Thank you, Kay for being here another month. :-)

  3. Love reading your daybook!!

  4. I like your places for autumn, they are a kind of concentration of the season.
    The nature is gorgeous. I'm never tired of enjoying it, especially when it is so picturesque!
    By the way, can you write a recipe for the small pies (biscuits?) on the picture?

    1. Smily, they are your standard oatmeal muffin and I added a few chocolate chips to each one.

  5. That bruschetta looks so good! Hope you have/had a good retreat! Its been a while since I have done a daybook but I always enjoy reading them =)

  6. Hi Peggy! I'm Kevin from Galli Home Products and we created the Creative Green Life Box Bags. I'm so glad you liked them and thank you very much for helping to spread the word. We love hearing from happy customers, or in this case, finding a blog post from a happy customer. Thanks again and take care.

    1. Thank YOU Kevin for having such a great product!

  7. This is beautiful! I've been so busy I have not taken time to write about my day. I hope to join in again soon. Blessings to you!


Thank you for taking a moment to share your thoughts.