
Tuesday, December 31

In The Spirit of Auld Lang Syne :: My Letter to You

 Dear friends,

As I sit and write this letter to you in long-hand, (something you can add to the lamenting list of things slowly falling from the table of life's goodness), I am reminiscing and listening to my wood-wick candle melting to it's near end. I am reminded of things now past and pondering over things yet to come. 

My last post was in June of this year and I stood at the starting gate ready for the bell to sound. I had planned to start down the track to keeping my blog going once again, but no sooner did I begin again that my burning flame quickly began to wax cold. 

Over the past 20 years, I've found myself with the same old familiar love/hate feelings towards the internet, "social" media and all the rest surfacing again and again. Turns out those feelings may have been warranted, as I began putting together a long two-part post of my own personal findings.

They are linked in two parts HERE and HERE with the title, The Riptide of Technology

But, truly at the end of the day, I have simply lost the desire that once had found a permanent place in my life. Now, I am slowly, but surely returning to the mind-set I had before opening the big box in 2001 and listening for the sound of dial-up. 

No, we can not return to everything that has been lost, but living a small, quiet and simple life full and brimming with contentment and joy fades the present culture that we are currently living.

So, with that...this will be my last blog post (with instagram and facebook very soon to go as well) and I will end it as only the simple woman can, with a daybook entry, shared in the spirit of Auld Lang Syne.

For Today

Looking out my window
smoke curling from our chimney against the back drop of the clear night's sky

I am thinking
how freeing to finally be sure of clicking "send" on this post

I am thankful
for all of you who have followed, commented or been touched by something I've written here over the years. 
(not all of my posts from the past are here, but they are all in notebooks for safe-keeping)

One of my favorite things 
my lilacs from last years bush

I am creating
a new sewing/craft space

I am listening to

I am wearing
for the treadmill-black leggings, white tee, and my favorite black Skechers 

I am reading
and studying the Prophets in depth along with my daily devotional from Crossway by Paul David Tripp, entitled Everyday Gospel.

And these beauties are all waiting in the wings just ready for a hot cup of tea and time to sit. I have been gathering for awhile :-)

~Into His Presence

~Turning of Days

~A Year of Living Simply

~Reclaiming Quiet

~Unrushed Living

~5 Puritan Women

I am learning
aging is just the beginning of life

In my kitchen
the smell of steamed shrimp to celebrate a fresh new year

In the school room
still creating homeschool packets and gathering books for my Sammy

In my garden
as always after a good growing season the garden rests waiting for the plow and seed packets come April.

this quote is very dear to me written by Puritan John Owen

"If you have any regard to the constancy of your faith, to the comfort or your life the honor of God, or the salvation of your own soul, labor immediately to get your belief of the Word better founded. Read the Scripture constantly, study it seriously, search it diligently, hear it explained and applied by others, meditate on it yourself, and beg of God an understanding of it and a right faith in it."

A moment from my day
I took this as I came home from running errands yesterday. I was praying over my word for the new year, rounded the bend and had to stop and capture the moment.

Closing Thoughts

I thought I would share a few photos from the past.

Take care!

May God richly bless you!

the simple woman



  1. I'm going to miss this so much but I understand. May you have a blessed 2025!

  2. Thank you dear Regina! The very same to you. xo

  3. Thank you for sharing your life with us. Thank you for encouraging me to slow down and note the world around me.

    1. Thank you Thia for this lovely has been my goal to do so.

  4. Thank you for faithfully writing in this space. I understand your decision and may god continue to bless you in all that you do xx

    1. Thank you Sandra for letting me a comment. I appreciate it!

  5. Anonymous1/09/2025

    I too will miss your thoughts on this blog and do understand but I hope you also realise all the good and help you have been to us strangers:) I thank you from the bottom of my heart and wish you a truly blessed 2025 and all the years to come

    1. Thank you for stopping by and letting me know your thoughts!

  6. Peggy, before you completely disappear, I want to take this opportunity to say a BIG thank you for being here in Blogland all these years. I have often participated in your Simple Daybook series and have loved it. We'll miss you, but I want to wish you all the best that He has for you for the days and years ahead. May peace and joy be yours in great measure. Thank you for wrapping up with such a lovely post. Please take care, Brenda

    1. Thank you Brenda for your kind and supportive words.

  7. I understand, too. Thanks for sharing over the years!


Thank you for taking a moment to share your thoughts.