
Tuesday, September 8

The September/October Edition of The Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today

Looking out my window... I see the sun breaking behind the tree line further to the east this morning

I am thinking... what a productive summer it has been

I am thankful... for pictures

Once we painted the living room, I went through pictures and found 3 of my very favorites

This picture was taken in 1999 while we attended a home school field trip

Once our last little guy was born and healthy enough, we re-visted the very same spot in 2005. These two pictures are my captured heart of hearts as a momma of six. I could never love two pictures more than these.


Another picture I love is this one of my husband and his dog, Shep. My husband was raised Amish, thus the suspenders and hat. 

One of my favorite things... garden treasures

I am wearing... a lot less choices since going through the closets and drawers. Nothing like a good clean out!

I am creating... clean and tidy spaces

I am watching... and going through these studies again. Be sure to pay attention to this new to me gal, 

Kristi Mclelland and her study, Jesus & Women. This is fantastic!!

P.S. Even if funds are tight and you can not purchase the study guides, take advantage of the FREE video series in the studies. They are well worth your time!

{photo found at LifeWay}

I am reading...

See above link to LifeWay

I am listening to... this and I never grow tired of it!

I am hoping... and yet already know that this 24th year of homeschooling will be a gem! 

In the garden...

A tiny sample of what I received out of our garden this year. It did so well for us that I made a foot path from the house to the garden from my daily trips. I never left empty handed.

I am learning... a few new things from gardening and canning this year.

Lovely peaches waiting for their turn in the kitchen

In the kitchen... so much went through my hands this year and the pantry and freezer is stocked with garden goodness. All that is left to put up is Pear and Apple Butters and Applesauce. Oh! and no doubt venison.

Jam Day x 8

Salsa Day x 3

Corn day

My hens love canning season!!

Green, Banana, and Jalapeno Pepper Day x 4

Shared Quote

"For years I viewed my interaction with the Bible as a debit account: I had a need, so I went to the Bible to withdraw an answer. But we do much better to view our interaction with the Bible as a savings account: I stretch my understanding daily, I deposit what I glean, and I patiently wait for it to accumulate in value, knowing that one day I will need to draw on it. Bible study is an investment with a long-term payoff." This is an excellent resource! I highly recommend this one.

Women of the Word
How to Study the Bible with Both Our Hearts and our Minds

Jen Wilkin

A moment from my day... after deep cleaning the great room

Post Script

If you enjoyed reading my daybook and would like to create one of your own, HERE is the link to the format, guidelines and complete list of prompts. 

The November/December 2020 Edition will be posted November 2nd

The Simple Woman's Daybook is not connected to any other link up.


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  1. Even though I haven’t blogged for years, it’s nice I can still comment. (possibly by accident). I’ve been reading yours, and my friend Brenda’s at A Beautiful Life entries for some time. I admire your homemaking accomplishments and the responsibility of homeschooling. I had never heard of this until I met a few American bloggers who were kind enough to explain to me how it works.
    My husband didn’t grow up with homemade pickles and other condiments like I did so I just purchase from the local farms my favourites. A group of Mennonite women sell a chili sauce that is identical to my recipe so every summer I treat myself to a couple of jars.

  2. I am also homeschooling this year after a break for a few years. I like the setup you have. I am still trying to figure what works best for us.

  3. I always enjoy your daybook posts, Peggy. Wishing you a beautiful autumn.

  4. It has been so nice to read through your day book and hear about the treasures in your days.
    It was also fun to see a lamp in your kitchen....I have one to. Then in your homeschooling...a sheet for moon phases- which my boys just completed studying that yesterday. :)
    It is wonderful to have simple clean spaces and canning to share with your family!

  5. I haven't done any canning since we moved into the city and have no room for a garden, but your large yard and garden remind me of those days ... homeschooling, planting and harvesting, and storing in the root cellar.

    I do enjoy participating in The Simple Woman's Daybook but I'm still getting used to this Mister Linky thing and I accidentally also posted this same post on your October 2019 page. aargh. Oh well. I did love seeing the photo of your brand new granddaughter over there.


Thank you for taking a moment to share your thoughts.