Tuesday, June 18

The Signpost :: Week of June 17th

  ~The weekly Signpost~

Read more about the inception of the signpost HERE.

Not quite Christmas in July, but could we say Christmas in June. 

Information about this lovely spiral-bound ESV Journaling Bible from Crossway found HERE


  1. It seems many women are getting into spiral-bound journaling Bibles. I'm convinced I would somehow rip it accidentally. And where are all your readers? I miss the familiar names I would see on a regular basis.

    1. Hello Regina! This is my first that is spiral-bound, but I do have a journal Bible that I love. I enjoy the note taking area.
      Ya know, I thought something had changed in the blogging community and that some women were coming back to blogging, but all the ones I used to read are dusty relics of a gone by era. It makes sense since most of us have raised our families and are in different seasons of our lives. This has made me rethink that perhaps I have made a mistake in returning. In the past month I have read an overwhelming amount of material concerning, the internet and social media and none of it is good. I think we all need to reevaluate using any of it unless totally necessary. I know I am.


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