
Tuesday, October 25

The Simple Woman's Daybook (October 2022 Edition)

    For Today

Looking out my window... 

The first roll of smoke from the chimney for the season has always made my heart sing and my bones go, "ahhhh!"!

I am thinking... how fast time is moving and how precious it is

I am thankful... for God's provision! And for all the months I have spent preparing and stocking up our pantry for hard times ahead.

One of my favorite things... making my own cleaning supplies. I have never been one to buy a large number of cleaning supplies, so I find making my own to be so easy, so natural, so cheap and the smell is wonderful.

I am wearing... warm gray joggers and a soft white long sleeve pullover

I am creating... satisfying meals

I am watching... this. I have been following Brian for over a year and have gained some understanding into the stock market, inflation, recession, etc. It is hard to find someone who is straight talking, can share in laymen's terms, and is not over-the-top. You might want to give him a listen.

I am reading... 

I am listening to... this and feeling the sting

I am hoping... a good settle rain arrives soon as things are just now getting a bit dry.

In the garden... tilled over til Spring

In the kitchen... all things apple goodness

In the homeschool room... slow and steady with my Samuel

Shared Quote 

"When David faced Goliath, he didn't talk about how dangerous Goliath was...he talked about how great God is!"

A moment from my day... doing my dishes is a joy when I have this lovely calendar to look at! I mentioned more about it in the October Gazette below.

Post Script

* * *

Well, I made it dear friends! The month is almost over, but October still lingers. My goal is to post a Simple Woman's Daybook and a Simple Woman's Gazette once a month. I pray they encourage you in some way and you are being blessed by the simplicity of them. 

Until November...

Please find links on the sidebar where you can follow and you are always welcome to reach out by emailing me at


  1. Anonymous10/25/2022

    Very nice Peggy! ❤️ Connie

  2. oh I enjoyed this. I'm going to do one today as I took a day off from teaching to nurse a sore throat. Glad this is back!! I love that Casting Crowns song from about 10 years ago.thanks for posting it as i haven't heard it in awhile!! SUCH a good one for all of us.

    1. I am thankful for your visit, Faith and for your kind feedback!


Thank you for taking a moment to share your thoughts.